New Beginnings After a Long Winter

Some of you may have noticed the gap between this post’s date and the last entry. A lot of life, a lot of heartbreak has happened since 2015. Toward the end of 2017 I could tell that the bipolar depression meds I had been on for 7 years were beginning to be ineffective. So December of 2017 I committed to weaning off the two meds that had allowed me to live such a full life with the hopes that I would find replacements, and soon. 2018 turned out to be very different than I expected. On top of problems with finding adequate meds, I was receiving little to no care from my psychiatrist despite my repeated attempts to get help. It was infuriating, frustrating, debilitating as I struggled more and more with both symptoms from my bipolar and side effects from new meds. It literally was the worst year of my life not counting the 9 months I was psychotic before being diagnosed.

And so music took a back seat. There were days the side effects were so bad I couldn’t do anything but lie in bed all day in the fetal position. I just remember thinking, “If I survive this, I am going to take advantage of my health.” And so that is what I have done. As I slowly built back up my strength, found my footing and began to be inspired again, I made it a point to write and write and write. I always knew I wouldn’t give up on music, as long as my body and mind did not give up on me.

Fast forward to 2020. January of this year I left my retail job of 7 years and started a dream job working for a nonprofit doing marketing and communications. And then Covid. Due to funds drying up, they had to let me go. So what next? I had been dreaming and scheming for years to make a living doing my music and being self-employed. After weeks of soul searching (thanks to the large amounts of free time being unemployed), a plan developed in my mind. I had been listening to podcasts feeling like God was cheering me on saying, “Do all the things!!!” And I was like, “What things?!?!? I’ve got like 5!!!” But true to his Word, He gave me vision and clarity along with the encouragement, and now I am here.

So where is here exactly? Here is launching the Summer Concert Series of livestreams on FB Friday nights. Here is launching the Fireside Project. Here is launching Benefit Sound. It is an accumulation of years of dreaming and preparing and having the courage to just step out and do it. And I’m so happy I did.

Check out for info on Rachel’s new ventures.

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